Monday 15 August 2016

All new - my life, my habits and my blog!

What can I say... Sometimes life gets in the way of good intentions? 
I last blogged in 2013. That's a loooong time ago.

It was before the trip to Europe, where my husband and I ate in England, France and Norway...

(We will never think of a croissant as being even half decent after having had the real deal in Paris!)

It was before our amazing wedding (because planning one takes up massive amounts of brain power, even with a great wedding planner)...

It was before our once in a lifetime honeymoon to Tahiti and Bora Bora...

(You need to try poisson cru, raw tuna marinated in coconut milk and lime, national dish of French Polynesia!)

And then, our greatest achievement, Téa:

So that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I've been gone. That is also why this blog is taking a different direction: more home cooking, more baking, more how-to, and less dining out.

In the months that I've been on maternity leave so far, I have baked more than ever. Breads, cookies, brownies, and even tackled my life long fear of pie crust! I've made potluck picnic food, muffins, pancakes galore... My husband and I watched and were inspired by Australian tv shows (random, I know) like MKR (My Kitchen Rules) and Masterchef (which is 100 times better than both North American versions). We have raided our cookbook collection and will be cooking up new and challenging recipes every week.

My hopes are that you will read and cook and drool along with me. What would you like to see? What are you hungry for? Let me know in the comments, and I'll get to writing my next post in the meanwhile. 

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